IMPORTANT: Passenger Requirements for Tickford Racing Supercar Rides
This is a notification for guests participating in hot laps in a Tickford Racing Gen3 Supercar in season 2025.
This explains the importance of the passenger selection process. Tickford Racing needs to be conscious of the size of the participants to make sure they are able to be safely and comfortably fitted in the passenger seats.
As a rule, the fireproof suits we provide are up to a maximum XL size. To ensure the safety of passengers, they must adhere to the below measurements and age restrictions. Important to note, the new Gen3 cars require a greater level of flexibility by the passenger to get into and out of the vehicle given the small access window. This needs to be taken into account for passengers potentially participating in a ride.
AGE: Ride participants must be aged 18 years or over
Note: The sizing guides provided below are the upper end of the range for passengers and should a guest be slightly above these ranges, please get in contact with us and we can talk through the eligibility to participate in a ride.
HEIGHT: 182.8cm (6')
WEIGHT: 90kgs (198lbs)
WAIST & HIPS: Waist – 115cm (45 inches) Hips – 130cm (51 inches)
Guests are to wear flat, closed toe shoes (no high heels) and must wear socks.
HANS Device
Please note: Due to new regulations from January 1, 2017 ALL passengers must wear a Head and Neck Support (HANS) device in addition to fireproof garments and helmet. While HANS devices come in a range of sizes, if a passenger cannot correctly or comfortably wear a HANS device they WILL NOT be permitted to ride in the car. Please contact the team around any concerns or questions.
The space to enter the race car is quite narrow so getting in and out is not always an easy task. We will also provide passengers with a verbal briefing, and demonstrate any steps to be taken by the participant in the event of an emergency whilst they are in the vehicle.
Should you have any terms and conditions for competitions or incentives, you must note these compliance requirements.
Please make sure the above requirements are communicated appropriately when determining the eligibility of a passenger to participate in a ride in a Tickford Racing Supercar. We want to avoid embarrassing refusals during a meeting ride session or official ride day.
Should you have any queries regarding this, please contact your Tickford Racing representative to discuss.
Thank you,
Tickford Racing